
Chiropractic care at Clark Chiropractic consists of an hands on approach to health care, it is non-invasive, drug free and works as a preventative form of health care to optimize overall health. Chiropractic care is known to help with aches and pains of all joints of the human body and is not just limited to the spine. Chiropractic can help all individuals from newborns to seniors by helping to... Read More

Chiropractic care at Clark Chiropractic consists of an hands on approach to health care, it is non-invasive, drug free and works as a preventative form of health care to optimize overall health. Chiropractic care is known to help with aches and pains of all joints of the human body and is not just limited to the spine. Chiropractic can help all individuals from newborns to seniors by helping to restore normal function while relieving pain and discomfort.


Acupuncture is a form of therapy that uses fine needles inserted into specific locations of the body to promote natural healing. It helps to increase blood flow and decrease inflammation which promotes healing of a number of conditions, such as; the prevention of headaches, backaches, knee pain, elbow injuries, TMJ dysfunctions and much more.

Laser Therapy

Laser therapy is a form of light therapy that uses different forms of light to interact with tissue. Laser therapy offers patients a safe and effective therapy for a wide range of conditions, including soft tissue and sports injuries, arthritic conditions, repetitive stress injuries, wound healing and a variety of general health problems. At Clark Chiropractic we use the Meditech Bioflex Laser,... Read More

Laser therapy is a form of light therapy that uses different forms of light to interact with tissue. Laser therapy offers patients a safe and effective therapy for a wide range of conditions, including soft tissue and sports injuries, arthritic conditions, repetitive stress injuries, wound healing and a variety of general health problems. At Clark Chiropractic we use the Meditech Bioflex Laser, it is a Canadian based company that has been proven to be an effective form of laser therapy.
Laser therapy will be provided by either one of the chiropractors or our certified laser therapist Janette Patton.

Custom Orthotics

Our custom orthotics will help to support and correct the mechanics of the foot, they are also used to prevent further injury and help improve function. Orthotics not only help with foot complaints but are effective with ankle, knee, hip lower back and posture issues as well.

Dr. Candice Stewart is an evidence based chiropractor who graduated from Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College. She is a second generation chiropractor and is from the Owen Sound area. She enjoys helping all her patients achieve a healthier lifestyle and has special interest in child and prenatal care.

Dr. Candice Stewart is an evidence based chiropractor who graduated from Canadian Memorial Chirop... Read More

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